Find out the voting results for the Bosque Más Interesante del Mundo (de la Semana #8) |
el_mundo_de_maravillas_-_4-28-20_7_.pdf | |
File Size: | 121 kb |
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¿Dónde está la Maestra Janel?
Send me a video or recording answering the below questions to earn 3 piedras....
(P.S. Do you think I am actually climbing in this picture or is it a fake photo?
Send me a video or recording answering the below questions to earn 3 piedras....
(P.S. Do you think I am actually climbing in this picture or is it a fake photo?
Click on the below to hear me read through a slideshow (brand new, never seen before) about salt mines. This is helpful for reading/literacy work and for listening comprehension.
If you make it full screen the pictures and I might be more engaging...
If you make it full screen the pictures and I might be more engaging...
Before you do this week's sheet, do some crazy verb practice with me...
Please make diez (10) phrases with the below words, telling me what you would like to to (me gustaría) and what you would NOT like to do (No me gustaría.)
Here is a list of verbs from class:
volar = to fly
surfear en = to surf on/in
visitar = to visit
sentar en = to sit on
escalar = to climb
cavar en = to dig in
entrar en = to enter into
nadar en = to swim in
caminar en = to walk on/in
bucear en = to scuba dive in
correr en = to run on/in
mirar = to look at or watch
explotar = to explode
Here is a list of verbs from class:
volar = to fly
surfear en = to surf on/in
visitar = to visit
sentar en = to sit on
escalar = to climb
cavar en = to dig in
entrar en = to enter into
nadar en = to swim in
caminar en = to walk on/in
bucear en = to scuba dive in
correr en = to run on/in
mirar = to look at or watch
explotar = to explode

el_mundo_de_maravillas_-_4-22-20_6.pdf | |
File Size: | 116 kb |
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el_mundo_de_maravillas_-_4-22-20_6_ak.pdf | |
File Size: | 116 kb |
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¿Dónde está la Maestra Janel?
Send me a video or recording answering the below questions to earn 3 piedras....
(P.S. Do you think I am actually climbing in this picture or is it a fake photo?
Send me a video or recording answering the below questions to earn 3 piedras....
(P.S. Do you think I am actually climbing in this picture or is it a fake photo?
¿Cuál lugar te gusta más? (vale 1 piedra)
Arenas de colores, un desierto seco con camellos, dunas de arena con un carro todo-terro, o la playa más larga del mundo...
¿Cuál es el volcán más activo y peligroso del mundo?
If you guessed Hawaii last week then you were right!
Please make doce (12) phrases with the below words. Pay attention to the ends of the words to make sure they match.
Here is an example of a correct phrase: La playa sucia
This phrase mixes boy and girl words so it is not written correctly: El playa sucio
You can make funny and crazy long as you know what the joke is!
Example: La estrella sucia (the dirty star)
Here is an example of a correct phrase: La playa sucia
This phrase mixes boy and girl words so it is not written correctly: El playa sucio
You can make funny and crazy long as you know what the joke is!
Example: La estrella sucia (the dirty star)

el_mundo_de_maravillas_-_4-14-20_5-2.pdf | |
File Size: | 119 kb |
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el_mundo_de_maravillas_-_4-14-20_5_ak-2.pdf | |
File Size: | 121 kb |
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Send me a quick video or audio (or email!) with your responses to the below to earn piedras
Do you remember which is the winner? Test your memory...
Cuadernos, Intento y Verdadero (vale 3 piedras)
Get a piece of paper and something to write with. Listen to the secret message, try to write down what you hear in the first video, and then check your work in the second video.
Make sure to show me what you've done so that I can give you credit! Mistakes are always an important part of the learning process.
Get a piece of paper and something to write with. Listen to the secret message, try to write down what you hear in the first video, and then check your work in the second video.
Make sure to show me what you've done so that I can give you credit! Mistakes are always an important part of the learning process.
Now check your work with this video for the "verdadero" (true answer):
Written Vocabulary Review
Print out the below document (the download link is below the screenshot photo, along with a second file that holds the answer key so the kids can check their own work.)
Fill in the blanks, circle the right adjective in the far right calendar, take a photo of the corrected work and send it back in to me. Fine to use Google Translate as a last resort.
I have created four grammar instruction videos to help with this sheet. Please take 5 minutes to watch them before getting to work (this is something my high school and college students still struggle with after instruction so even if the kids think they know it, it is probably worth watching for long-term mindfulness)
Print out the below document (the download link is below the screenshot photo, along with a second file that holds the answer key so the kids can check their own work.)
Fill in the blanks, circle the right adjective in the far right calendar, take a photo of the corrected work and send it back in to me. Fine to use Google Translate as a last resort.
I have created four grammar instruction videos to help with this sheet. Please take 5 minutes to watch them before getting to work (this is something my high school and college students still struggle with after instruction so even if the kids think they know it, it is probably worth watching for long-term mindfulness)
Slam time!

el_mundo_de_maravillas_-_4-7-20_4.pdf | |
File Size: | 120 kb |
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el_mundo_de_maravillas_-_4-7-20_4_ak.pdf | |
File Size: | 121 kb |
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La foto de la semana es...
Envíame un vídeo o una grabación (recording), contestando las preguntas en la foto para ganar 6 piedras:
En tu opinión, ¿Cuáles aguas coloridas son las más hermosas?
A la izquierda: La Piscina Morning Glory en Wyoming
En el medio: El Lago Retba en Senegal
A la derecha: El río caño cristales en Colombia
A la izquierda: La Piscina Morning Glory en Wyoming
En el medio: El Lago Retba en Senegal
A la derecha: El río caño cristales en Colombia
Cast your vote below and I will announce the winner next week!
Written Vocabulary Review
Print out the below document (the download link is below the screenshot photo, along with a second file that holds the answer key so the kids can check their own work.)
Fill in the translations, take a photo of the corrected work and send it back in to me. Fine to use Google Translate if that helps. The idea is to use any and all virtual tools to learn!
Puedes ganar 3 piedras si me envías una foto de tu trabajo en esta hoja:
Print out the below document (the download link is below the screenshot photo, along with a second file that holds the answer key so the kids can check their own work.)
Fill in the translations, take a photo of the corrected work and send it back in to me. Fine to use Google Translate if that helps. The idea is to use any and all virtual tools to learn!
Puedes ganar 3 piedras si me envías una foto de tu trabajo en esta hoja:

el_mundo_de_maravillas_-_4-1-20_3.pdf | |
File Size: | 114 kb |
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el_mundo_de_maravillas_-_4-1-20_3_-_answer_key.pdf | |
File Size: | 117 kb |
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Written Vocabulary Review
Print out the below document (the download link is below the screenshot photo, along with a second file that holds the answer key so the kids can check their own work).
Fill in the translations, take a photo of the corrected work and send it back in to me. Fine to use Google Translate if that helps. The idea is to use any and all virtual tools to learn!
Puedes ganar 3 piedras si me envías una foto de tu trabajo en esta hoja:
Print out the below document (the download link is below the screenshot photo, along with a second file that holds the answer key so the kids can check their own work).
Fill in the translations, take a photo of the corrected work and send it back in to me. Fine to use Google Translate if that helps. The idea is to use any and all virtual tools to learn!
Puedes ganar 3 piedras si me envías una foto de tu trabajo en esta hoja:

el_mundo_de_maravillas_-_3-25-20.pdf | |
File Size: | 115 kb |
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el_mundo_de_maravillas_-_3-25-20_2_-_ak.pdf | |
File Size: | 122 kb |
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Get a piece of paper and a pencil to practice listening and writing with the first video.
Then check your answer with the second video.
Send me a photo to earn piedras!
Get a piece of paper and a pencil to practice listening and writing with the first video.
Then check your answer with the second video.
Send me a photo to earn piedras!
Welcome to this crazy new way of learning and teaching ;)
No sé por qué este video comienza con mis ojos cerrados. Suspiro.
Not sure why this video looks like it starts with my eyes closed! Sigh.
No sé por qué este video comienza con mis ojos cerrados. Suspiro.
Not sure why this video looks like it starts with my eyes closed! Sigh.
Los ratones llegaron a mi salón virtual para hacerles reír ;)
Ganando piedras...
¿Quieres seguir ganando piedras? Envíame un video corto diciendo todo lo que puedas de la Foto de la Semana.
Do you want to keep earning stones? Send me a short video or audio clip saying everything you can about the Photo of the Week. ¿Dónde estoy? = Where am I?
OR...write Spanish comments on this blog page to earn piedras. I will keep track.
¿Quieres seguir ganando piedras? Envíame un video corto diciendo todo lo que puedas de la Foto de la Semana.
Do you want to keep earning stones? Send me a short video or audio clip saying everything you can about the Photo of the Week. ¿Dónde estoy? = Where am I?
OR...write Spanish comments on this blog page to earn piedras. I will keep track.
La Foto de la Semana es...
Written Vocabulary Review
Print out the below document (the download link is below the screenshot photo). Fill in the translations, take a photo and send it back in to me. Fine to use Google Translate if that helps. The idea is to use any and all virtual tools to learn!
Print out the below document (the download link is below the screenshot photo). Fill in the translations, take a photo and send it back in to me. Fine to use Google Translate if that helps. The idea is to use any and all virtual tools to learn!

el_mundo_de_maravillas_-_trabajo_de_casa_1.pdf | |
File Size: | 115 kb |
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Cuadernos Virtuales (virtual notebooks)
Listening and Writing Practice
Listening and Writing Practice
Ahora puedes revisar y corregir lo que has escrito.
Now you can review and correct hat you have written:
Now you can review and correct hat you have written:
Maestra Janel
En esta clase viajamos a los lugares más increíbles del Planeta Tierra.
May 2020
April 2020
March 2020