In the below video you can listen to me talk about what happened on the islands and what you should look for in the below pictures. If you don't understand everything, that is o.k.! Pistas (hints): barro = mud, rescatar = rescue
Descifra (decipher or crack) el código de la Reina. La Reina dió una sola pista es O = L, L = O. Yo te daré otras pistas: V = E, B = Y
¿Te gusta descifrar? Aquí hay más mensajes escritos en el mismo código. Toma una foto de tu trabajo y ganas dos joyas. Listen to the below video (I have travelled somewhere) and then answer the questions to earn 2 joyas...
Listen to the below video and see if you can figure out what building I am talking about, then choose it from the list below and press the button to send it in! ¿Quién trabaja en cada edificio?Below: Writing sentences in which each immigrant works in his or her building...and then add an adjective to the end to make a full sentence. You can use any "adjetivo" you want. Check your work with the answer key (it is the document with "ak" at the end) but remember that you may have used different "adjetivos" than I did and that is totally fine!
Cada semana puedes escribir una carta a La Reina para pedir joyas: PRONÓSTICO DEL TIEMPO DEL ARCHIPIÉLAGOListen to the below video and see if you can figure out what building I am talking about, then choose it from the list below and press the button to send it in!
You can still, always write to the queen to ask for jewels! Below find some sample letters and a place to write and press send: Los inmigrantes de la Reina están se olviden de ellos The Queen's immigrants are still working, don't forget about them! (Oye: Trabajar = to work) Mira el video, escucha lo que Janel dice...e intenta escoger el inmigrante que ella está describiendo. Watch the video, listen to what Janel is saying, and try to choose the immigrant that she is describing. Si quieres ganar 5 joyas, puedes imprimir (print) la hoja, rellenarla y enviarme una copia por correo electrónico cuando termines. If you want to earn 5 jewels you can print the sheet out, fill it in, and send me a copy via email when you are finished.
Clima - Weather Review Remember the movements from class? Do them with me! Estimados Gobernadores, No hay casos del Coronavirus en el Archipiélago pero estoy un poco preocupada. Me estoy aislando en mi castillo por unas semanas. Espero que les pueda ver para que podamos seguir construyendo edificios nuevos. Si quieres ganar más joyas, puedes trabajar aún más...(print out the below form, there is link below the photo). Please fill it out and send a photo via email.
La Reina del ArchipielagoVamos a construir el paraíso juntos Archives
May 2020
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